

Released: 2019 Running time: 102 mins. Directors: Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead Rated: R

Stars: Anthony Mackie, Jamie Dornan, Katie Aselton, Ally Ioannides, Ramiz Monsef

[Mild Spoilers]

Anthony Mackie has had more “missteps” than successes in his last few Netflix science fiction ventures, but he keeps giving it a go. Synchronic is is the third full length Science fiction film co-directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorehead (The Endless).


Steve and Dennis are New Orleans paramedics that are introduced to a sinister synthetic drug that causes mysterious and unexplained injuries and death. In the opening credits we are are introduced to a couple that take an unknown pill with an “S” imprinted on it, together in a hotel room. There are some pretty trippy events that happen not soon after and we leave there story- but they come back around. Steve (Anthony Mackie, MCU Franchise) is a pretty active bachelor, best friend and partner of Dennis (Jamie Dornan, The Fall). Dennis is married with children, one being 18 year old Brianna (Ally Ioannides, Into The Badlands). His wife is Tara (Katie Aselton, Legion), and they appear to be going through some family issues. We do spend some time dealing with a marriage that is barely hanging on, with strings (their children) holding it together.

Steve and Dennis are called to scenes in which they cannot explain how victims received their injuries. They are called to places that Should Be crime scenes by the only two creepy cops in New Orleans(?). At one such scene Steve gets injured and has to have a a series of tests run and has to face his own mortality. At another scene, Dennis must face a few truths of his own. This brings us back to the title, Synchronic, which is also the name of this drug that can not only kill you, but cause you to time travel, and they are not mutually exclusive.


I must say, the film does not get fully intriguing until Steve, with disregard for his on life or what is left of it, begins testing the drugs effects, limits and rules. It is not just interesting, it is intense, humorous and gripping as we know that there are dangers to these experiments. We see him learning more with each trip to the unknown, the consequences and sacrifices as well.

Synchronic was a very well done film, and the concept of a time-bending synthetic drug was done well. It was not so convoluted that you’d need to explain it on 3 whiteboards. Just one, with a Venn Diagram. Available now on Netflix.

In Retrospect ★★★☆☆



